Hike Israel’s Long Distance Trail!

Consider hiking the length of Israel, from the Lebanese border south all the way to the southern coast’s Eliat and the Red Sea!

This 683 miles/1100 km trail takes you through breathtaking mountains and deserts, showcasing the stunning landscapes of Israel, as well as close to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem for easy side trips, plus the Sea of Galilee, Masada and the Dead Sea.  The trail takes most people 45-60 days to complete, and is considered challenging, but doable if you train.  Many people section hike instead of thru hiking the trail.

On today’s show, I interview Malia about her Israel National Trail solo hike.  Check it out and the details below to learn more about this exciting, relatively new long distance trail!

Israel National Trail Blaze: White/Blue/Orange Stripes

The order depends on the direction you are hiking, which is terrific so you don’t accidentally head backwards after a break!

Navigating Israel’s National Trail

The trail is pretty well marked aka, blazed, with painted stacked white/blue/orange stripes (see photo left).  It is also smart to bring the “Red Book“,  officially “Hike the Land of Israel: Israel National Trail“,the definitive guide on the trail that includes detailed maps.  Buy the English version BEFORE you head to Israel!  Also be sure to download the app, which will show you campsites, water sources and “Trail Angels“, who offer various hospitalities at their home, from campsites, laundry, water and/or meals.  It is important to carry a paper map in case you break or lose your phone!

If you want to get a better idea of the landscape, check out Google Street View!

The “Red Book”, your ‘bible’ to hiking the Israel National Trail

When to Hike the Israel National Trail

The hiking season runs from October through May.  The desert is far too hot in the summer time, so don’t even consider it!  During the winter months, it can get quite cold, so always be prepared for four seasons when you do this hike.

Weather Along Israel’s National Trail

It is always good to know the weather forecast so you are prepared, or perhaps need to stall, for improved weather to cross mountains or the desert in particular.  Flash floods in the desert are a real concern, and a storm twenty miles upstream of a canyon can gush water unexpectedly.

Your best source of current information is by checking with rangers, and also the Israel National Trail Forum, which you can access HERE.

Here are the weather averages for key points along the INT trail:

Northern terminus:  Golan Heights

Tel Aviv


Southern terminus: Eiliate

The wet season is during the hiking season, so areas that do get rain, will have a 20-25% chance during the winter.  To minimize rain events, shoot for March – May hiking for the best temperatures and the least amount of rain.  Be careful of flash floods in the desert!  Check with rangers and locals about the weather before heading into desert canyons!

Israel National Trail Map and Navigation App

The map with the red line shows the exact current route of the Israel National Trail.  As you can see, it takes you to see the best of Israel and all of its highlights.  If you have time, you can visit the cities easily along the way.  If you purchase the “Red Book” (Buy it in English BEFORE you go!)  You can pick it up HERE.)  This helpful guide has detailed maps plus all the info you need to hike the Israel National Trail.  Don’t just count on your phone in case you lose or break it!

The black background map is the Google Israel National Trail app (also available on Apple).  This handy app not only helps keep you on the trail, but also helps you to find amentities needed for your long distance hike.

Communication while hiking the Israel National Trail

You will need to bring your cell phone and get a local SIM card so that you can easily call ahead for accommodations, to check with ‘Trail Angels’ along the way, and to check on the weather before entering desert canyons and the mountains.

So bring an UNLOCKED phone and you can purchase a SIM card at the airport or in town before you head out.

Section Hiking the Israel National Trail

Malia thru hiked the entire INT trail, but most people just take on a section at a time.  I asked Malia if she HAD to choose the best three sections, she said the northern terminus mountains with the Sea of Galilee, the southern terminus desert and the Red Sea, and Masada National Park.

How Hard is the Israel National Trail

Frankly, just hiking over 600 miles/1100 km is hard.  Add to that, you will be climbing and descending mountains at times, and crossing high desert canyons at others, and the Israel National Trail is challenging.

So it is super important that you train your body ahead of time.  I have covered Training for Adventure Travel on the show.  I also recommend you take advantage of a free phone consultation with my affiliate, Becky at Trailblazer Wellness to see if you are a good fit.  Becki can customize a training program for you that you can do from home using whatever equipment (or not) that you already have.  Mention ATA to get 10% OFF any training program!

You not only need to get your body used to hiking many miles per day, but to be able to do so day after day!  Anyone can hike a long day, it’s being able to get up in the morning to do it again and again that really matters!

Who Can Hike the Israel National Trail

YOU – if you train!  Malia hiked it solo – you will generally meet other hikers along the trail so unless you want to, you don’t have to hike alone, even if you start out solo.  The INT is also good for couples and friends.

Where to stay

You can stay at campgrounds along the trail and some local “Trail Angels” will let you set up camp in their yard.

Backpacking Skills

My companion podcast and website, theAdventure Travel Show, offers lots of skills based lessons and packing lists.  Here are some favorites:

Ultra Lite Backpacking

Building Grit and Resilience

Section Hiking the AT (some backpacking info)

Adventure Travel Planning Guide

How to Plan a Walking Holiday

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